Alte Schmiede 1, 73433 Aalen-Wasseralfingen

Days of innovation at SHW WM

The manufacturer of processing machines is currently showcasing new developments and informing customers.

Aalen-Wasseralfingen. Following the cancellation of the most important mechanical engineering trade fairs worldwide due to the pandemic, the Wasseralfingen-based specialist for machining centers and traveling column machines, SHW Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH (SHW WM), is going on the offensive. At its headquarters, the company will be informing its customers about innovations in the field of metalworking and machine tools at the Innovation Days until October 16. “We will be showcasing a trade fair-like area with a new “PowerSpeed Cube” machine series, where some world firsts will be presented live and up close,” says Martin Greis, Managing Director of the company.

Although the number of visitors is limited due to the pandemic, there will still be enough space during the five days of the “Innovation Days at SHW Werkzeugmaschinen” to showcase the company’s innovative strength in groups. A new encapsulated machine type will also be on display. “The aim was to bring a classic moving column milling machine up to the level of an enclosed machining center,” says Martin Rathgeb, Technical Director. This is because the demand for enclosed machines that can still be viewed from all sides is increasing: it currently accounts for a good third of all machines.

© Wirtschaft Regional 13.10.2020 13:19