Alte Schmiede 1, 73433 Aalen-Wasseralfingen

Investor found for SHW Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH

Published on (dpa)
Aalen (dpa/lsw) – SHW Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, based in Aalen, has a new owner.
The company filed for insolvency in May; it has now been taken over by the SFO Group, the holding company of a Munich-based entrepreneurial family.
“The Swabian company thus remains in the hands of southern German investors,” SHW announced on Monday.
The workforce, around 240 employees at the headquarters, has been taken over.

The reason for the insolvency in May was the EU sanctions against Russia, which had led to a slump in sales.
However, according to the company, the order books were already full again at the time of the insolvency.
SHW Werkzeugmaschinen specializes in high-tech milling machines, which are used to machine components for large diesel engines or turbines, among other things.
The company operates service branches in China, India and the USA.
September 17, 2018